JECET : Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology. E-ISSN : 2278-179X

      JECET : Journal of Environmental Science, Computer Science and Engineering & Technology

Research Papers in Env Science

Agricultural production and local Economy in the Community of Toffo

Clément Codjo GNIMADI, Ahonankpon Hubert Frédéric GBAGUIDI and Grégoire SOKEGBE SEWADE;[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.12.4.40116]

Agriculture continues to be the main sector of activity on which the livelihood of the majority of the population in the municipality of Toffo depends. It is a human activity with significant socio-economic stakes. This research aims to study agricultural production and the local economy in the town of Toffo. The methodology adopted in the context of this research revolves around data collection, data processing and analysis of the results. Documentary research and field surveys were the data collection techniques. The tools used for data collection are essentially a questionnaire, an interview guide and an observation grid. 277 people were surveyed. It emerges from the analysis of the results that the traditional techniques used by producers in the commune are soil preparation, clearing, slash and burn cultivation, plowing, ridging. Two types of agricultural tools are identified in the commune. These are traditional tools (hoe, machete, daba, etc.) and modern tools (agricultural tractor and sprayer). Indeed, as far as traditional tools are concerned, 95% of the producers surveyed use them. As for modern tools, they are used by 5% of the producers surveyed. Income from the marketing of agricultural products allows producers to invest more in daily life (34%), the purchase of goods and means of transport (22%) and the schooling of children (14%). They also use their income for agricultural activities (12%) and for their well-being (9%). They also use them to organize different kinds of ceremonies (6%) and to make the dowry (3%).

Assessment of the physicochemical pollution of the surface waters of the Potou lagoon during periods of low water and flood (coastal Ivory Coast)

TOGBA Alain Privat, N’GUESSAN Yao Alexis, IRIE Bi Trazie Jean-Gael and TOURÉ Mamadou;[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.12.4.41730.]

The work carried out in the Potou lagoon focused overall on the morphobathymetry and geochemistry of pesticides and metallic trace elements. To date, no study has been able to assess the intensity of water pollution based on physicochemical parameters. This work aims to determine the level of pollution of the surface waters of the Potou lagoon. To do this, several physical parameters (temperature, pH, conductivity, oxygen and transparency) and chemical parameters (nitrate, nitrite, ammonium and phosphate) were evaluated during the flood period (April 2017) and low water (November 2018). The waters of the Potou lagoon are slightly acidic (pH = 6.58 and 6.98) and of mediocre to poor quality with a varying average temperature (T° = 28.33°C and 31.9°C). They are weakly and moderately mineralized with an average conductivity oscillating between (57.9 µs/cm and 629.65 µs/cm). The average oxygen content measured during periods of high and low water is between (3.99 mg/l and 5.61 mg/l), qualifying it as water with acceptable oxygenation. The transparency values are between 0.375 and 0.4983 meters. The levels of nitrates (0.38 mg/l and 6 mg/l), nitrites (0.005 mg/l and 0.013 mg/l) and ammonium (0.048 mg/l and 0.025 mg/l) are lower than the WHO standards (2011). Furthermore, the levels of phosphates (0.22 mg/l and 0.40 mg/l) and ammonium (0.12 mg/l and 0.07 mg/l) at station S1 are higher than WHO standards (2011). Strong correlations were observed and demonstrated between pH, temperature, conductivity, phosphate, ammonium, nitrate and oxygen. Mineralization-residence time and anthropogenic mineralization are the two mechanisms responsible for the mineralization of water. The waters of the Potou lagoon are subject to pollution of anthropogenic origin. The use of this water without treatment could present a health risk for the populations of villages living near this lagoon.

Évaluation de la pollution physico-chimique des eaux de surface de la lagune Potou en période d’étiage et de crue (littorale de la Côte d’Ivoire)

TOGBA Alain Privat, N’GUESSAN Yao Alexis, IRIE Bi Trazie Jean-Gael, TOURÉ Mamadou;[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.12.4.43145.]

Les travaux réalisés dans la lagune Potou se sont intéressés dans leur ensemble à la morphobathymétrie et la géochimie des pesticides et des éléments traces métalliques. A ce jour, aucune étude n’a pu évaluer l’intensité de la pollution des eaux à partir des paramètres physico-chimiques. Ce travail se donne pour objectif de déterminer le niveau de pollution des eaux de surface de la lagune Potou. Pour ce faire plusieurs paramètres physiques (la température, le pH, la conductivité, l’oxygène et la transparence) et chimiques (le nitrate, le nitrite, l’ammonium et le phosphate) ont été évalués pendant la période de crue (avril 2017) et d’étiage (novembre 2018). Les eaux de la lagune Potou sont légèrement acides (pH=6,58 et 6,98) et de qualité médiocre à mauvaise avec une moyenne de température variante (T°=28,33°C et 31,9°C). Elles sont faiblement et moyennement minéralisées avec une conductivité moyenne oscillant entre (57,9us/cm et 629,65us/cm). La teneur moyenne d’oxygène mesurée en période de crue et d’étiage est comprise entre (3,99 mg/l et 5,61 mg/l) la qualifiant d’une eau à oxygénation acceptable. Les valeurs de la transparence sont comprises entre 0,375 et 0,4983 mètres. Les teneurs de nitrates (0,38 mg/l et 6 mg/l), nitrites (0,005 mg/l et 0,013 mg/l) et ammonium (0,048 mg/l et 0,025 mg/l) sont inférieures aux normes OMS (2011). Par ailleurs les teneurs de phosphates (0,22 mg/l et 0,40 mg/l) et d’ammonium (0,12 mg/l et 0,07 mg/l) de la station S1 sont supérieures aux normes OMS (2011). De fortes corrélations ont été observées et mise en évidence entre le pH, la température, la conductivité, phosphate, ammonium, nitrate et l’oxygène. La minéralisation-temps de séjour et la minéralisation anthropique sont les deux mécanismes responsables de la minéralisation des eaux. Les eaux de la lagune Potou sont soumises à une pollution d’origine anthropique. L’usage de cette eau sans traitement pourrait présenter un risque sanitaire pour les populations des villages vivant à proximité de cette lagune.

Variation in structural complexity between a sacred grove and an adjoining non-sacred forest from the Western Ghats of Karnataka, India

C. A. Akhil, M. D. Subash Chandran and P. Sujanapal,[DOI: 10.24214/jecet.A.12.4.44658.]

The study assessed the phytosociological characteristics of a sacred grove with that of a forest area in the midlands of central Western Ghats to elucidate the ecological history and peculiarities of the region. Altogether 90 flowering plant species belongs to 37 families and 65 genera were documented from the study area. Of which, 76 species (60 trees, 10 shrubs and 6 climbers) were recorded from SG, whereas 63 species (51 trees, 7 shrubs and 5 climbers) from non-SG. Family Rubiaceae was dominant in SG whereas the non-SG was dominated by two families Ebenaceae and Rubiaceae. Tree density was similar between SG (2490/ha) and non-SG (2490/ha), while mean stand basal area was higher in SG (55.54 m²/ha) than non-SG (34.95 m²/ha). Based on IVI it is apparent that Dipterocarpus indicus is dominant vegetative constituent in SG, whereas Polyalthia fragrans is dominant in non-SG. However, high basal area (55.54 m²/ha), biomass (471 t/ha) and carbon sequestration (235.46 t/ha) indicate the less disturbance, pristine nature, and climax community of SG than the non-SG area. The study shows that sacred grove practices are helpful to preserve the pristine nature of forest and facilitating the secondary growth of adjoining non-SG areas.

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International Scientific Indexing (ISI).

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